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The Cons of Gum Disease, and When to get Treated

The Cons of Gum Disease and when to get treated dr. scott chandler dmd Dentist in Park City, UT

Most people will experience gum disease at some point or another in their lives. Formally, and less commonly, referred to as “periodontitis” or “periodontal disease”, gum disease is the result of bacterial growth in your mouth that becomes out of control. Ultimately, gum disease can result in tooth loss due to destruction of the tissue that surrounds your teeth, so it’s absolutely essential that you seek appropriate treatment and change your dental hygiene habits as soon as symptoms of gum disease arise. Here’s a little more information on the subject that can help you along the way! How Gum Disease Develops Chances are that you’ve heard the terms gingivitis and gum disease used hand in hand or even interchangeably. What’s important to know is that gingivitis is the official term for gum inflammation and while it is not the same as gum disease, it does usually precede gum disease if you fail to have it seen to. Not all gingivitis progresses has to progress to the stages of periodontitis. The early stage of gingivitis sees bacteria found in the plaque on your teeth build up. This can result in sore and inflamed gums that bleed during regular tooth brushing. During stages of gingivitis, the teeth are still firmly in their socks and no bone damage or irreversible tissue damage has taken place. The good news is that there is time to resolve gingivitis before it progresses to more serious stages of gum disease. What’s most important? That cases of gingivitis are treated. Left to its own devices without any intervention,  it can quickly advance to gum disease, which sees the inner layer of the gum and bone pull away from the teeth. This forms pockets, which create further space for bacteria to grow and where debris can collect, causing infection. The bacteria in plaque creates toxins or poisons, which can then begin to break down the bone and connective tissue that hold your teeth in place. As this continues, the pockets can become deeper, leading to the destruction of more tissue and bone, which can result in loose teeth and tooth loss. Preventing Gum Disease Of course, nobody wants to experience tooth loss. So what can you do to prevent gum disease? The answer is to maintain a good plaque control routine. When it comes down to it, this is simple. You just need to be organized and dedicated. A good plaque control routine will mean visiting your dentist for a check up and professional cleanings at least twice a year. You should also practice proper daily brushing and flossing. This will help to remove plaque both the surfaces of your teeth and the spaces between your teeth. Antibacterial mouth rinses are also highly recommended.   If you have any concerns about gum disease, feel free to reach out to us here at Scott Chandler DMD in Park City, Utah. We’ll be able to do whatever it takes to get your oral and dental hygiene back on track and prevent issues that could lead to tooth loss or other potentially serious problems.

What are the different types of dental fillings?

Chances are, you’ll have a dental filling at some point in your life. Studies have shown that the average American has three dental fillings, while 25% of the population have 11 or more fillings. Put simply, dental fillings are artificial substances that are used to fill in holes or gaps that can be found in the enamel of decayed, broken or damaged teeth. It is a simple procedure and nothing to be worried about if you do need one. Let’s take a moment to get to know a little more about fillings, as well as the different types of fillings that can be used. The Purpose of Dental Fillings As we’ve briefly highlighted above, dental fillings are most commonly used to restore the shape and stability of a tooth that has experienced some sort of damage. Fillings can prevent further decay and potential loss of the tooth, as well as helping to make chewing easier and more comfortable. Most commonly, dental fillings will be used to combat tooth decay, injured or broken teeth and worn out or eroded teeth. How are Dental Fillings Put in Place? If you are going to have a dental filling, your dentist will numb the gums around the affected tooth. This will be achieved by using an injection of local anesthetic. Once you have no feeling in the area, your dentist will survey the affected tooth and determine the amount of decay or damage present. The affected areas of the teeth will then be treated, with decay being removed and the tooth being cleaned, washed and dried. Your dentist will then place your chosen filling material into the affected area, molding it to recreate the original shape of the tooth. Types of dental fillings There are a number of different filling materials that can be used to carry out a filling. Here are some of the most commonly used.   Tooth, white colored fillings or composite resin – These fillings are a mixture of powdered glass and plastic resin and are most commonly referred to as white, plastic or tooth-colored fillings. These are the favored types of filling used here at Scott Chandler DMD in Park City, Utah. Why? Well, they are the most natural looking filling and when you have them, people are extremely unlikely to be aware that you have fillings at all. Another benefit of these types of fillings is that they also release small amounts of fluoride. This can help reduce the chance of experiencing further tooth decay and dental problems. Silver fillings or silver amalgam – This is another extremely common form of filling. It’s one of the most widely used, largely because it is one of the cheapest options and provides strong results that are likely to stand the test of time. These types of fillings are made using a mixture of silver alloy and mercury. Of course, when we think of mercury, we think of toxicity, but both the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Dental Federation approves the use of silver amalgam for dental fillings. Glass ionomer cement – This is a less common form of filling material. It is self-hardening and combines glass with organic acid to create a tooth colored filling. Glass ionomer cement is most commonly used for small fillings or for cementing porcelain and metal crowns. Sometimes, it can be used for temporary restorations. Resin ionomer cement – This mixture of glass, resin polymer and organic acid is another alternative form of tooth colored filling that, again, is most often used for smaller fillings or for cementing. It solidifies with exposure to blue light. Gold alloys – these fillings are gold and less common. While they are extremely durable, they are expensive and can increase tooth sensitivity. These fillings contain a mixture of gold, copper and other metals.   As you can see, there are a number of different filling materials available for different types of fillings and other dental procedures. The right option for you will depend on your individual needs and requirements, but we largely recommend composite materials.

What are the benefits to Sedation Dentistry?

We all have to go to the dentist. It’s recommended that the average person books in for an appointment once every six months, giving their dentist a chance to survey the health of their mouth and identify any issues that need to be rectified or treated. Of course, not everyone is comfortable at the dentist’s. This is where sedation dentistry can come to the rescue. Here’s some more information on sedation dentistry, as well as its benefits!   What Is Sedation Dentistry? First, let’s establish what sedation dentistry actually is. Put simply, sedation dentistry is the same as all other forms of dentistry – the dentist will undertake the exact same procedure using the exact same tools and processes. However, there’s one difference – the patient will be sedated during their treatment. Of course, there are different levels of sedation that can be used during sedation dentistry for different effects. There four levels of sedation that dentists are able to recommend, or that patients are able to choose from, are minimal sedation, moderate sedation, deep sedation and general anesthesia.   Minimal Sedation This is the lowest strength of sedation. You will remain fully conscious, but will simply feel a little more relaxed during your procedure. Moderate Sedation Moderate sedation is the second strength of sedation available. Some dentists may refer to this as “conscious sedation”. Like minimal sedation, moderate sedation will see you remain conscious, but you will be even more relaxed. You may find that you temporarily slur your words a little after treatment. Deep Sedation Deep sedation is suitable for individuals who want to be heavily sedated during their treatment. While you will be conscious, it is just about. You won’t remember much of the treatment once the sedation wears off. General Anesthetic General anesthetic used in dentistry is the same type of anesthetic used in surgery. It will render you unconscious throughout the duration of your treatment. You won’t remember any of the treatment being carried out when you come to.   What Are the Benefits of Sedation Dentistry? Of course, sedation is used for a reason – it benefits some people while they have dental work carried out. But what are the particular benefits that may encourage you to try sedation dentistry yourself? Here are some suggestions:   Anxiety relief – the most common reason that people opt for sedation dentistry is that they are nervous or anxious about their procedure or treatment. Sedation dentistry can prevent nervous patients (or patients who are scared of the dentist) from missing appointments. This can improve overall dental and oral health and can ensure that any necessary treatment is carried out as and when required. Reduced gag reflex – if you have a strong gag reflex, you may find that you gag a lot during dental examinations and procedures. This can interfere with the dentist’s work and be uncomfortable for you too. Sedation can minimize your gag reflex response. Pain relief – if you are undergoing a potentially painful, difficult, complex or lengthy procedure, you may want to opt for sedation to make the experience more bearable for yourself.   Of course, these are just the basics. There’s plenty more to be known about sedation dentistry, as well as multiple benefits that haven’t been highlighted here. But hopefully, some of the above information will help to get your journey with sedation dentistry off to a good start! If you’re interested in Sedation Dentistry in Park City, Utah, feel free to reach out to use here at Scott Chandler DMD to learn more!

The Different Types of Dental Crowns

You may have heard of the term “dental crown” before, yet you may be unsure of what this actually refers to. A dental crown is essentially a cap for a tooth that has become damaged. A number of different materials can be used to create a cap, including porcelain or metal. You could have a crown on your front teeth, which have been designed to match the rest of your teeth. You may, alternatively, have a cap for a molar that is rarely seen. After all, everyone’s needs are different! There are also different types of dental crowns, which is something we will look into in more depth in this post.    The different materials used in dental crowns  There are various types of dental crowns, as a whole host of materials can be used. Some of the common materials you will see used in a dental crown are as follows:   Complete resin Metal Zirconia Ceramic Porcelain A combination of materials   With regard to the latter, you could, for instance, instead of having an all-porcelain crown, you could have one that is fused to metal. When determining the best sort of material for your crown, there are numerous things your dentist will consider. This includes the location of your tooth, the position of the gum tissue, and the visibility of the tooth whenever you are smiling. There are some other considerations as well, including the color of your surrounding teeth, how much of the natural tooth is still remaining, and the function of the tooth that requires the crown. All of these considerations show why it is imperative to choose a dentist in Park City, Utah, with care. Luckily, that’s something you do not need to worry about here, as we have carried out many dental crowns before.   Temporary crown Another type of crown that you may require is a temporary crown. As the name indicates, this is a form of dental crown that is only going to stay in your mouth for a short time frame.  Your dentist will use an adhesive that is very easy to remove in order to place the crown over your tooth. Therefore, it will not be as strong as a permanent crown would be. This type of crown is often used in cases whereby you are waiting for a permanent crown to be created. At your second appointment, the temporary crown will be removed and a permanent crown will be placed on your tooth instead.   Contact us today for more information about dental crowns So there you have it: an insight into the different types of dental crowns for people today. We hope that this has helped you to get a better understanding. However, if you have any queries or you would like to book an appointment with a dentist in Park City, Utah, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us today. We are always happy to answer any queries you may have, no matter how big or small.  

Dentures in Park City

What are Metal-Free Dental Implants? summit view biological dentistry dentist in park city ut

Almost every case is different when it comes to dentistry. No two sets of teeth are exactly the same, and if there is one area of dentistry that people often aren’t a fan of discussing, it’s dentures. Mostly, this is because they feel like dentures are for “old” people, but the thing is, the benefits of dentures are copious, and there is a reason they’re so popular.   Below, we’ve put together some of the reasons you should choose dentures, so let’s take a look. A Fresh Start When it comes to the best dentures Park City has to offer, you want to speak to Scott Chandler DMD. For those with dental problems, dentures can be a completely fresh start for them. Dentures look and feel like a new set of teeth that are comfortable and that look great. Issues with your teeth can have a detrimental effect on your self-confidence, and as your smile is your way to communicate with others, the better it looks the better you feel. Dentures can help you to grab your smile back once more! Fewer Dental Visits If you’re not a fan of going to the dentist, you’ll be pleased to know that there will be fewer dental visits over time. Once you get through that initial denture adjustment period, dentures are relatively easy to maintain. Other than cleaning them, which doesn’t take a long time, you have very little maintenance beyond letting your gums rest. Food Freedom When you are done with pain and issues with our teeth and finally have dentures fitted, you can finally let go of food hangups and enjoy relative food freedom. You don’t have to worry about pain from the false teeth, either – they’ll be more comfortable once you’re confident about food again! They’re Tailored to You Dentures are made just for you, which means that you are going to have dentures that are different from everyone else. Your dentist can tailor your whole treatment to you and your oral issues. Better Health With no more pain in your jaw, you will be able to control your diet once more and eat better. Your teeth can’t handle fresh hard veggies when they’re crumbling! Dentures give you back control of health. Muscle Support With dentures, you can support your cheeks and the shape of your face. You don’t have to worry about your facial muscles sagging anmore, as your new teeth can support your face. Dentures enhance your looks, whether you are smiling with your mouth closed or not. Contact Us Now If you are looking to speak to someone about the best dentures Park City has to offer, then contact Scott Chandler DMD today. With one call we can get your treatment started and make you finally feel comfortable in your skin. You deserve a smile that shines from the moment people walk through the door, and with dentures, you can get started with our help. Let’s talk about how dentures could change your future.

Veneers in Park City

Have You Ever Wanted To Reinvent Your Smile? Contact Scott Chandler DMD for the best veneers Park City has to offer   Your smile is your ticket to a happier life, and there’s nothing worse than feeling like your smile doesn’t fit your face. Your teeth may be something you are self-conscious about, and if so, you can cover the imperfections with amazing veneers Park City. Veneers can give you everything you’ve ever wanted in a smile, and all you need to do is set up your appointment in Park City, Utah, today.    There are some things that you need to know before you go ahead and get veneers, though, and we’ve put together a list for you below! They’re Fixed Veneers are in place and they can only be taken out by a dentist. These veneers can last up to 20 years and it’s even possible for them to last longer than that with the right care.  You Can Go “Too” White Often, people go bright and white with porcelain veneers, but there is such a thing as going “too” white. You need to choose a color that will be natural enough in your mouth that you don’t come off like you’re glowing! Soft white is the best option for most people, especially as an opaque white isn’t natural.  They Can Crack Veneers, just like teeth, can chip and crack over time. You have to be careful when you have veneers, and there are certain things that you need to avoid. Harder foods and grinding your teeth can crack the surface of the veneers, and these issues should be addressed before you have your veneers fitted. You Don’t Need Them For Your Whole Mouth Some people choose to get veneers covering all of their teeth, but it’s not necessary. You may only need to get them for one or two teeth instead! They’re Good For A Lot Of Issues! From tooth discoloration to worn down teeth, veneers are an excellent cosmetic fix. Gaps and misalignments in the teeth can be closed with the help of veneers, too. You can get temporary veneers, and you should consider that porcelain is great at resisting stains! People choose porcelain over resin and that’s because they are the best option for avoiding new stains. Choose Veneers With Scott Chandler DMD Veneers may well be the right choice for you, but it’s important that you speak to a dentist and decide which option is best. Some people love to get veneers to improve their smile where others do it because they want to feel more confident about their looks. The best thing that you could do is to book an appointment today with Scott Chandler DMD and get your teeth checked over. Once we have an appointment lined up, we can get started with your treatment and get your new veneers fitted properly.    Don’t wait to improve your smile, let’s change your future with our veneer choices today.

Biological Root Canal vs. Traditional Root Canal

What to do if you Have a Broken Tooth summit view biological dentistry dentist in park city ut

Do You Need A Root Canal? Speak to Scott Chandler DMD about your options today!   Did you know that dentistry is changing every single year? Innovations are popping up every single day and one of those innovations is in biological root canal therapies. No one wants to have a root canal if they can avoid it – but it’s a must if your teeth are in pain. Root canals can repair and save your teeth if they are infected and decayed. Those who need a root canal often fear it because they’ve heard it’s uncomfortable, but this is where you can speak to Scott Chandler DMD and get some great advice. Traditional Root Canals Root canals have been around since the 17th century, and today, endodontists are more advanced with the tools that they use to access and clear pulp inside the tooth. The tools used can clean and disinfect the tooth and dental professionals refill the tooth with a new material. Traditional root canals are very effective and they should last for some time. It’s not an easy procedure, and sometimes, the teeth do not heal properly. Root canal failure can be painful and lead to repeat procedures.   The good news is that there have been innovations that have improved the way that we do root canals, and a biological root canal procedure can be more effective than ever before. So, how does it work? Biological Root Canals With the right technology, a biological root canal has come to the forefront of dentistry. Root canal removal with a biological root canal can be better for the removal of bacteria and yeast in the tooth. It can fight the infectious agents and lead to better healing afterwards. Since the discovery of biological root canals, medical professionals have tried to use the same technology to treat other infections. Ozone therapy is used by many biological dentists for root canal removal, and much of the dental community has hopped on board with this innovation. A Natural, Non-Toxic Solution Holistic and non-toxic dental solutions are there to treat various issues and treatment can prevent issues that occur down the road. A biological root canal is going to prevent recurrent decay, and it can help dentists to treat root canals properly with a better recovery time. When you have decay in the tooth, the dentist cleans it out and prepares the tooth to be filled. Dentists can treat the tooth with a biological root canal and this can prevent a root canal over time. If a root canal is needed, the dentist can use biological technology to help. Contact Scott Chandler DMD A biological root canal could be the solution you need to avoid the traditional root canal option, as it can result in healthier teeth and dental work that lasts longer than you could expect. Take the time to book an appointment with Scott Chandler DMD and you can explore your options with regards to biological root canals vs traditional root canals. 

Biological dentist, Utah

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]When you think about it, the distinction between dentistry and the rest of the healthcare profession is a little artificial. Teeth and gums are just as much a part of the body as anything else. Unfortunately, not all dental professionals see things that way. They view their job as looking after a patient’s mouth and nothing else.  Here’s where biological dentistry available here at Summit View in Park City, Utah, differs. Instead of artificially isolating the mouth from the rest of the body, we take a more holistic approach.  What Is Biological Dentistry? Research suggests that dental neglect can lead to the development of health conditions elsewhere in the body. Rotting teeth and infected gums cause inflammation, which then damages other tissues, putting patients at higher risk of heart disease, stroke, arthritis, and some cancers.  Biological dentistry is more holistic. It considers the health of the patient’s entire body, not just their mouths. Here at Summit View in Park City, Utah, for instance, we take account of the direct relationship between the health of your teeth and that of the rest of your body. We then work with you to improve both so that you can continue to enjoy many more years of healthy, happy life.  Our Biological Dentistry Options Summit View is the only biological dentistry clinic in Utah. We do things differently from other practices.  For starters, we often recommend alternative care in preference to regular, commonly-used medicines. We deploy cutting edge technology to provide the latest biological dental treatments, improving your health along the way.  We offer fully-fledged biological root canal treatments. These involve using biocompatible root fillings and lasers to sterilize the surrounding area. We replace any infected tissue inside the tooth with a natural composite to prevent further spread of infection around the body.  We also offer a host of other biological dentistry options, including preventive care. Our preventive care in Park City, Utah, helps you to avoid problems with your teeth and gums affecting the health of the rest of your body. By being vigilant of possible oral health issues, we protect the whole of your body.  We also offer sleep apnea treatment. Sleep apnea can put your life at risk. People with sleep apnea often have higher blood pressure, which, in turn, can lead to the development of heart disease and liver problems. At our clinic, we offer a range of sleep apnea devices that you wear in your mouth while you sleep. These prevent your tongue from rolling back and blocking your airways.  Get Treatment Today Are you looking for a biological dentistry option in Park City, Utah? If so, you’ve come to the right place. Summit View Biological Dentistry and Wellness, headed by Scott M. Chandler, DMD, is the state’s only biological dentist, committed to taking care of your overall health. We don’t believe in artificially separating the body and mouth. Instead, we always bear in mind your overall health. For more information, please see our treatment options on our website or give us a call at (435) 649-2078.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Making The Most Of Your Biological Dentist Appointment with Dr. Chandler

Summit View Biological Dentistry and Wellness: Your Quality Source for Holistic Dental Care in Park City Holistic Dental Care in Park City. SVBDW. Experience the benefits of holistic dentistry in Park City. Transform your dental care routine with our natural and personalized services. Dr. Scott Chandler Dr. Matthew D. Geddes Summit View Biological Dentistry & Wellness Biological, General, Cosmetic, Restorative, Family Dentistry. Dentist in Park City, UT 84098

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Whenever you develop the need to visit a biological dentist, it’s important that you can utilize your appointment and really make the most of the treatment and advice that you receive. The alternative methods used by holistic dentist centers can involve different before or after care, so Dr. Scott Chandler has included some instruction and advice below. Before the Appointment Though you may believe that you have to brush your teeth like crazy before visiting your biological dentist, this is not a great idea. This may cause excess inflammation which could lead to further issues. Carry out your normal oral hygiene routine, utilizing a natural mouthwash to clean away surface plaque and freshen your breath. If you often experience discomfort during routine procedures then you may want to take some kind of painkiller in preparation. Do not do this if you are visiting your biological dentist regarding specific pain, as you need to be able to recognize and discuss the discomfort you are experiencing upon arrival. Many people find it quite distressing to visit the dentist, especially the very young and the elderly, so if this is the case for you then it’s a good idea to indulge in a little calming meditation to balance your thoughts.  At the Appointment Upon arrival at our office, now is the time to keep yourself focused so that you can take in everything around you. As soon as you enter the consultation room, Dr. Chandler will ask you a few basic questions regarding your recent mouth health. It is best to be as detailed as you possible. Your responses will help the him give you the best treatment possible. It’s likely the Dr. Chandler will want to examine your mouth, so follow his instructions to help them identify any issues or potential problems. If you booked an appointment with your biological dentist for a simple procedure such as a scale and polish then this can then take place, but if you had to attend due to pain or discomfort then it’s common for more tests to happen to seek the best treatment route for you. Listen to the advice that the dentist provides you with as this is extremely valuable to help you heal, so take your appointment seriously and ask as many questions as you can.  Dr. Chandler is your Biological Dentist in Park City Finding the right biological dentist is an extremely important step, as the quality of your treatment depends upon the experience and skills of the provider. One of the best biological dentists in the industry today is Dr Scott Chandler, who has years of industry success and many positive reviews from happy customers. When you choose a respected dentist such as Dr. Chandler, the level of service and attention to detail that you receive will be second to none, and you will have ultimate peace of mind knowing that you are in safe hands at all times. This is particularly important if you have any anxiety related to attending a dentist suite, as a professional is far more able to ease your worries and deal with whatever issue you’re facing in the most productive and efficient way possible. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Understanding Why Holistic Dentistry Is The Right Choice For You

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Finding a reputable dentist can seem like such an impossible task, and finding the ideal holistic alternative might appear completely impossible. Visiting a dentist regularly is something that we must all prioritize, as the health of your teeth should be of utmost importance! Choosing a holistic approach to dentistry can offer a whole new experience whilst also helping to ensure that you can maintain ultimate mouth hygiene for the foreseeable future. Exploring this option could just provide you with the service you are looking for. It would seem that many harsh chemicals and artificial methods or materials are utilized by your average dentistry clinic, whereas a holistic centre uses far more natural and earth friendly techniques to achieve the same goal. Understanding holistic dentistry needn’t be difficult, as you’ll soon find out the wealth of benefits that exploring alternative healthcare can really provide you with.  A holistic dentist can offer the same services and treatments that any average clinic might provide, yet the way in which these procedures are carried out can vary quite dramatically. First of all, one of the ingredients in regular dentistry that holistic surgeons choose to avoid is mercury – many holistic professionals believe that mercury (which is so heavily utilized in mainstream dentistry) can cause a long list of health problems including Alzheimer’s disease as well as brain and kidney damage too. So many fillings are mixed with mercury containing materials, and these damaging chemicals can be released over time to be absorbed by your body. Alternatively, the professional holistic dentists based in Utah have uncovered other methods to deal with these issues which do not include this potentially harmful metal, and utilizing these services is so simple too.  No matter which kind of dentistry treatment you’re in need of right now, an experienced holistic healthcare professional can provide you with a wealth of different natural methods to explore to offer a solution for your issues. It couldn’t be easier to book an appointment with a respected local dentistry specialist, especially if you’re around Park City, Utah where Scott Chandler DMD’s well known services are based. Always remember to provide your dentist with as much information as you can so that they can seek out the best solution for your individual needs, as there are many man made problems and natural illnesses that could be the root cause of your pain. Take on board every piece of advice that your holistic health care professional passes over to you, especially with regards to aftercare and post appointment steps so that you can really make the most of their knowledge.  It’s always a good idea to do some research into the holistic treatments that are available for you, as the more information you are able to gather the greater peace of mind you will have during your appointment. The more you know about how to utilize any surgery or procedure the better the end outcome will be, so don’t be afraid to call up your local holistic dentist to get a little more information about what’s going to happen during your visit. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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